(Email me a copy of the Agenda every Friday)
What is Site Plan Review?
The purpose of Site Plan Review is to ensure that a land use proposal is in conformity with the intent and provision of the City's standards and to guide the proposal toward any entitlements or processes necessary to complete the project. Site Plan Review is required for all new structures and site improvements in all zones (except for new or additions to single-family residences) and may be required for new uses locating within an existing developed space.
Site Plan Review is the first step in moving forward with a new business, development, or entitlement. Additional steps such as a Conditional Use Permit, Building Permit, Business Tax Certificate, etc. may be required.
How Do I Submit:
Submittal Deadline:
Thursdays at 4:00 p.m. (no exceptions) for the following Wednesday's agenda.
What is Necessary for my Submittal?
- Site Plan and/or Floor Plan: A diagram showing the changes being made to the project site. Site Plans typically include a floor plan. For details on how to prepare a site plan, click here.
- Operational Statement: A brief narrative of what you hope to accomplish and how the business will operate, include hours of operation and number employees, if applicable. This is highly recommended and may be required for some projects.
- Supporting Documentation: Any additional information as needed to better depict details of your project. This is optional.
Additional design guidance from City Departments is available using the links below:
When are the Meetings?
- Every Wednesday with agenda items beginning at 9:00 a.m.
- Each item runs approximately 15 minutes.
- The time for each agenda item will be provided on the final agenda emailed to you by staff.
- Meeting times are approximate.
- The applicant (or representative) must be in attendance.
- If not in attendance, the item will be continued in the next meeting agenda.
- The item may only be continued for one week.
Where are the Meetings Held?
- All Site Plan Review meetings are held virtually using Microsoft Teams.
- A link to the meeting will be provided by staff prior to your meeting date.
More Information: